Application Manifests - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs

Where is Outlook.exe? - Microsoft Community Jul 10, 2017 Progress KB - What is the prowin32.exe.manifest file? prowc.exe.manifest (32-bit/64-bit WebClient) - first introduced in OpenEdge 10.1B (32-bit) and OpenEdge 11.4 (64-bit). The .manifest is an XML file that tells Windows that the associated executable should use specific versions of one or more system components.

Assembly Manifests - Win32 apps | Microsoft Docs

Jul 15, 2020 Kenny Kerr - Manifest View 1.0

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An application manifest is an XML file that describes and identifies the shared and private side-by-side assemblies that an application should bind to at run time. These should be the same assembly versions that were used to test the application. Application manifests may also describe metadata for files that are private to the application.