craigslist city and category in which the post appears date/time the phone number seems to have been posted if you are unsure which post your personal information is in, please ask the next person who contacts you
How to avoid getting flagged If your listings on Craigslist are being flagged then there are a few things that you can try. However, it’s important to understand that Craigslist controls flagging that why it’s very difficult and that’s why there are experts for it. Use a different computer. Craigslist also tracks the IP address […] May 23, 2017 · if you are legitimately operating within the terms and conditions of Craigslist and someone is maliciously flagging your ads in order to strike down competition has a dirty underhanded trick you can reach out to Craigslist support it may take a fe What Is Flagging? Flagging gives Craigslist users an opportunity to highlight ads that they believe violate the website's posting guidelines. All classified advertising on Craigslist is self-published, so inevitably, some non-compliant ads will get through. According to Craigslist, millions of ads are removed each month through flagging. Same problem craigslist is flagging all my ads with in 30 minutes of posting. They will get what they deserve! And Screw off any losers with your retarded answers, more then likely they work for craigslist or have no clue in life about anything. To who ever keeps flagging my post on here about my standard poodle can you please stop. I don’t understand what the point of it is and why you are doing it. All you are doing it making it hard on her to find her a home where she can get the attention she deserves. She is just a puppy and I want her to have all the attention she deserves. Dec 18, 2017 · Flagging is an extent where your ads can look at by the poster, but not by anyone else. In some states, this effect is a lag time with the Craigslist server. And the ad will be visible to everyone in a half-hour or so.
How to Flag a Post on Craigslist - Flagging Tool Flag Craigslist ads automatically: Craigslist provides a facility to place anything at free of costs such as events, dating profiles, house rentals, job openings, used items, and yard sale or garage sale. Anyone can post an advertisement without creating any charges.
Apr 08, 2014 · The idea of Craigslist Flagging and the causes behind the same. One of the very fundamental reasons, why you encounter the issue of Craigslist Flagging is the choice of a wrong category.
flagging abuse and personal harassment emails on craigslist ***This is our ads was flagging abused again and again on craigslist . we reported this problem to craigslist website for many times and no any response and problems are still there for months . please contact with us to resolve the problems .
Could the answer to craigslist's most vexing and infuriating problem be found in something that's been staring us in the face all this time? "Community Policing" - Failure Was Craig Newmark's lofty idea of flagging as community police a success, or merely another miserably failed experiment in mob rule?