Nov 30, 2018

11 Best Virtual Router Software for Windows (2020) - Eleggible Free WiFi Hotspot. Free WiFi Hotspot can fulfil every one of your contraptions’ perusing needs! This … 13 Best Free Virtual Router Software For Windows Here is a list of best free virtual router software for Windows.Using these software, you can turn any WiFi enabled laptop and desktop into a virtual router (WiFi hotspot). By creating a virtual router, you can share your system’s internet with all nearby devices like smartphones, tablets, etc.For secure connection and authentication, most of these use WPA and WPA2 authentication and vlan not working correctly - Cisco Community

vlan not working correctly - Cisco Community

Nov 25, 2019

no internet access from laptop wifi (virtual router) even

Now I installed a new virtual machine which has got 2 NICs. One - the one which every VMs in the LAN uses and one private network interface which the servers in the perimeter network uses. The problem is that the virtual server router is not routing anything. The LAN has got /24. The perimeter has got the network /28.